Wednesday, August 27, 2014


I am pleased and flattered that you are following along our our trip to South Africa.  This blog will be an efficient way for Bruce and I to record our activities, reflect on our experiences, and add photos to enhance our memories.  It's also an easy way to share our travel with family and friends who care to keep up with us on this trip.

I will try to update the blog daily, but my success will depend on both the availability of my time and the availability of wifi for uploading as we travel from location to location. 

You can log on whenever you wish to view the latest blog and catch up with any previous blogs which will be available from the Archive menu on the right side of every page.

If you prefer to "Follow by email" you can submit your email in the text box box above the Archive.  You will be asked to retype one of those weird text graphics and then respond to a confirmation email that should appear in your inbox immediately.  After that you will receive an email notification every day that I publish a post.  Let me know how that works out for you.  

I have set up the permissions to allow comments to my posts, and I encourage you to share your thoughts.  Just remember that your comments will be seen by all the blog readers.  Of course, you can always just send me an email.

We leave this Sunday for a quick flight to Washington DC.  We will leave from DC on Monday to fly to Addis Ababa, Ethiopia and then on to Johannesburg.

I'll add a few posts in the next few days as we finish packing and begin our adventure.