Monday, September 15, 2014

Day 10 of tour - Addo Elephant preserve

This fabulous game preserve began with a handful of elephants trucked down from Kruger and it now contains over six hundred.  In addition to the elephants, we saw many zebras, different types of antelope, eagles, warthogs, and tortoises.  Bruce made sure to get a photo of the tortoises procreating.  The highlight was watching a herd of elephants play at a waterhole for about a half hour.  One adult elephant was entertaining himself by ducking under the water and splashing himself with water.  We saw two baby elephants push a third baby into the water and then run away to their mommies.  We did record some good video of the elephants at the water hole,  but I don't know how to upload the video to this blog.  I'll have to figure that out when I get home.

It is such a joy and privilege to be this close to nature and to see these beautiful animals.

A different kind of hunting: stalking jewelry!

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