Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Day 6 of tour - all day in Swaziland

Bruce and I stayed at the hotel today because I woke up with a fever.  We are well stocked with antibiotics, and by lunchtime I was fever free, but at the time the group was leaving I thought it was better for me to stay behind and rest.  Our group was going to a market to buy fruits and vegetables that they were bringing to an orphanage and then help to cook for and feed the kids.

A quiet day has allowed us to sit in the lobby and comfortably use the wifi.  The signal is not strong enough to reach to the rooms.  Our guide maintains that South Africa is a first world country in a third world continent.  While the modern parts of Johannesburg are certainly up to "western" standards, outside the city is definitely not.  The hotels we are staying at are comfortable and clean, but still quirky by US standards.  They are not as quirky as the hotels in Vietnam, but the lack of electrical outlets (even in the bathrooms), creative shower configurations, and "relaxed" attitude for handling basic requests reminds us that we take certain standards for granted.

It's still thrilling to realize that I am in Africa.  The clothing, languages spoken, items on the menus, faces of the people, English heritage, and legacy of apartheid are constantly fascinating.

We return to South Africa tomorrow and will be stopping to learn about traditional Zulu culture.

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