Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Safe arrival in Johannesburg

It took three calendar days of travel, but we are safely settled in to our hotel in J'burg.

Our flight left DC an hour late, so we were concerned about making our connection in Addis Abbaba, but the  gate we needed was only a few steps from our arrival gate.  I think we were in the airport for all of 15 minutes before we were on the next plane.

The best part of flying Ethiopia Airlines was the wonderful authentic Ethiopian food that was served in addition to the western meals.  We had our choice of injera bread and several different meat and vegetable "stews".  We tore the injera into pieces and used it to dip and pick up the other dishes.  We've enjoyed Ethiopian food in California with our kids and in Chicago with our friends Jan and  Ken, but this was the best we've ever had.

We are weary from our the long travel, so we plan an early dinner at the hotel and an equally early bedtime.  We plan to spend most of the day tomorrow at the Apartheid Museum and have dinner with    a local couple who are business contacts of our brother in law.

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