Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Day 11 of tour - Garden Route to Knysa

Full day of travel along the Garden Route which stretches along the Indian Ocean coastline of South Africa.  The scenery includes mountains, beaches, forests, and lakes and is far more lush and interesting than the open veldt in the north.  We are traveling relatively long distances and stop regularly to stretch our legs and use the bathrooms.  The bathrooms have been a pleasant surprise - much cleaner and well supplied than expected, although they have varied somewhat.

One of our stops was at the world's highest bungee jump, off a bridge.

This part of the country feels more upscale and safer than other cities we've been in so far.  In our previous location we were advised not to walk along outside our hotel and only travel by taxi.  Knysa is called the "Pearl" of the Garden route and the waterfront area is filled with restaurants and nice shops.

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