Monday, September 1, 2014

Packing....and a small bump in the road

It all fits and I think we packed a bit lighter than our trip to Vietnam.  Two carry on suitcases and one checked 25" suitcase.  MELTers will see that a half foam roller does fit - and we will see if it is permanently curved when we get our destination.

Eagle eyed readers and fashionistas will notice that I am wearing a splint on my right arm.  A sudden and  unfortunate encounter with a piece of protruding concrete last week resulted in two small, stable fractures in my forearm and the splint will assist with healing and protect me during travel.  It's an inconvenience, but in the scheme of things, it's just a bump in the road (on every level). 

We have a long journey ahead.  Overnight in DC, then 17 hours to Addis Abbaba, Ethiopia, followed by another 5 1/2 hours to Jburg.

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